Emergency Dentistry in Fort Worth, TX

Emergency Dental Services by Vosh Dental
Emergency Dentistry is a dental department that attends to patients with unforeseen dental conditions. It is essential to provide immediate dental care to prevent any further chances of complications. Efficient dentists offer several treatment options that help to restore dental health.

What Is Considered a Dental Emergency?

The primary sign of a dental emergency is painful symptoms caused by a sudden injury or trauma. It can be severe tooth pain or a fractured tooth that may result from an unforeseen accident. Some patients may suffer from persistent tooth infections or abscesses. It is vital to notice the signs and symptoms of the emergency, which can be helpful in quick treatment at the dental practice.

Significant Dental Emergencies

  • Chipped or cracked teeth
A chipped or cracked tooth can be a result of an unforeseen accident. It may also be a result of biting on the teeth. During this situation, the patient should visit the practice with the cracked or chipped part of the tooth. It should be carried to the dentist by preserving it in milk or water. The Dentist in Fort Worth, TX, checks the patient in detail to understand if they are a candidate for dental bonding. They reattach the piece to the tooth and polish it.
  • Toothache
A major concern among patients is extreme toothache or tooth pain caused due to several reasons. The dentist performs a detailed test to understand the cause of the pain. They can provide relief from the pain through pain medication or anesthesia. Dentists also provide tips that can help to alleviate the pain, which include placing an icepack on the area of pain.
  • Loose crown or filling
When a tooth has a loose crown or filling, it often means that bacteria have infected the tooth. This infection needs to be treated as soon as possible. If the tooth is painful, we recommend contacting a dentist as soon as possible. An infected tooth has a greater chance of being extracted or requiring a root canal.
  • Soft Tissue Injury
Injuries can also happen to various parts of the mouth, like the cheeks and the tongue. There can be a small wound or cut, causing bleeding and inflammation in the area. During an emergency visit, the dentist places a gauze and controls the bleeding. In case of pain, they can. Provide pain medication or anesthesia in some cases.
  • Swelling in the face
If you notice the gums or cheek are swollen, it could be a sign of an infection. This infection could happen at the root or crown of the tooth. If the tooth is infected, then it’s important to visit a dentist as soon as possible. A root canal may be recommended to remove the infected tissue. If the tooth is infected, it may need to be extracted. Swelling can also happen due to impacted wisdom teeth. Removing wisdom teeth can prevent infection and discomfort.
  • Bleeding gums
Gum bleeding can be caused by many different things, from injury to a sore tooth to gingivitis. If you experience bleeding gums, it’s important to see your dentist. Bleeding gums are an early sign that you may have gum disease. Gum disease is caused by plaque buildup along the gum line. Brushing regularly, flossing, and seeing the dentist regularly can help to prevent gum disease. However, if gum disease has already set in, your dentist may recommend cleaning, root planing, or gum surgery. These treatment options can help prevent further damage to the teeth and gums.
  • Object caught between teeth

A very common dental emergency is an object caught between teeth. When an object becomes wedged between teeth, it can cut off the supply of blood to the tooth and can cause significant damage. If left untreated, the tooth can become loose and could potentially fall out.

If an object is caught between teeth, try to remove the object with dental floss. If you cannot remove it, the emergency dentist can dislodge the wedged object. 

  • Bitten lip or tongue
If you’ve bitten your lip or tongue, rinse your mouth with warm salt water and apply a cold compress to your mouth. A cold compress will help reduce the swelling. If the bleeding doesn’t stop, call your dentist or doctor.
  • Broken Restorations or Prosthetics
A patient may have a broken, chipped, or cracked tooth due to various reasons. The dentist will check and evaluate to see what your treatment options are. Based on the recommended treatment, you may be able to initiate the procedure for the recommended dental treatment on the same day.
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